Guided by Taylor Hadden — The Sound Tank is a 360 degrees transformative journey through sound and sensory immersion. Deep diving into the mindbody to alleviate stress, anxiety, physical and energetic blocks — opening the heart, restoring the endocrine system, and healing on a deep cellular level.
Blending pure tones from crystal singing bowls, with live DJ mixed healing frequencies, wind gong, crystal chimes, other sound scapes. The Sound Tank is designed to influence different brainwaves to elevate your state of consciousness — allowing you to process trauma, inspire creativity, and bring harmony and balance to the body's biological processes. This unique sound bath is deeply relaxing and requires no experience. All abilities welcome.
This experience includes:
- gentle yoga to begin
- meditation and breathwork
- aromatherapy
+ Cacao Ceremony
We will be working with the spirit of cacao before we dive into our sound journey.
This sacred heart opening plant-medicine is earthly, nurturing, and wise. Ceremonial cacao helps to open the heart and mind, supports inner-work, and elevates the spirit.
This ceremonial cacao is ethically sourced and originating from Guatemala.
HOSTED @ The Heart Center
There is also an Ecstatic Dance later this evening 7-10p. You can buy a ticket to both events at a discounted rate.